It can be difficult finding information on ranges and matches because almost every range website or match is run by volunteers. I’ve done my best to compile a list of matches and ranges that I’m aware of but there are plenty others that either have no website or just an email contact so that can make it challenging. I’ll work to keep this updated in hopes it connects shooters with ranges and matches where they can learn and grow in F Class.

Find an F Class club near you

These are clubs that host some kind of High Power / F Class Match on a regular basis or have facilities to shoot F Class

United States

Arizona Rio Salado Sportsman’s Club

California Coalinga Rifle Club

California Burbank Rifle Club

Colorado Colorado Rifle Club

Delaware Bridgeville RIfle & Pistol Club

Florida Port Malabar Rifle & Pistol Club

Georgia River Bend Gun Club

Idaho Unified Sportsman’s Club

Indiana Camp Atterbury

Illinois Aurora Sportsman Club

Louisiana Long Range Shooters of Louisiana

Maine Scarborough Fish & Game Assoc

Massachusetts Reading High Power

Michigan Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association

Missouri Benchrest Rifle Club of St. Louis

Montana Deep Creek

Montana Yellowstone Rifle Club

Nebraska Eastern Nebraska Gun Club

Nebraska Bluffs Shooters

Nevada Palomino Valley Gun Club

New Hampshire Nashua Fish & Game Association

New Jersey Cumberland Rifleman

New Mexico Whittington NRA Center

New Mexico Capitan

New York Forbes Rifle & Pistol Club

Oklahoma Oklahoma City Gun Club

Oklahoma Tulsa Red Castle Gun Club

Ohio Alliance Rifle Club

Oregon Douglas Ridge

Oregon COSSA

Pennsylvania Reade Range

Phoenix Ben Avery

Tennessee Dead Zero

Tennessee Oak Ridge

Tennessee Memphis Sport Shooters Association Club

Texas Bayou rifle club

Texas Panola County Gun Club

Texas Central Texas Silueta Association

Texas Valley Gun Club

Washington Rattlesnake

Washington Machias

Washington Cascade Shooting Facility

West Virginia White Horse Firearms and Outdoor Education Center

Wisconsin Winnequah Gun Club


England Great Britain F-Class Rifle Association

Canada (Gagetown) RNBRA